An Analytical Study of Personality Characteristics of Delinquent Adolescents



Delinquency and criminal behavior are multidimensional and complex process involving the interaction between environmental factors and individual tendencies. These behaviors are defined as acts and attitudes that violate social norms and individual or privacy rights of others. Social and economic costs of delinquency in society are caused that understanding its causes participation of some adolescences in antisocial behaviors and non-participation of some adolescences, is considered as priorities of prevention of social pathologies. Despite being a multidimensional delinquent behavior, pattern of antisocial and delinquent behavior can partly be explained by some personality characteristics. Thus one of the important directions in the study of criminal behavior is investigation of the link between the personality traits with inclinations of crime and delinquent behaviors. However, criminal behavior is influenced by some personality traits. Various researches show that the psychotic personality traits, extroversion and neuroticism can predict delinquency positively. Some of the researches have also discussed that main personality traits such as impulsivity, are better predictors than psychotic features, extraversion, and neuroticism for delinquency. In particular, high negative emotionally, the tendency to experience avoidance affective states and lack of inhibition, predict antisocial and delinquent behaviors. Considering the better understanding of personality traits of delinquent people can help in perception, assessment, and design interventional planning, the aim of present study is deeper study and identification of personality traits and psychological backgrounds such as cognitive abilities in delinquent people, and providing necessary recommendations and guidelines in connection with the prevention of social pathologies
