Peer Review Process

  1. Initial review of the article:

First, the article is checked in terms of compliance with the items mentioned in the "Guidelines for Authors" and "Main Page of the Journal". If there is a problem in the "original article" and "authors' specifications" files and the terms and conditions of the journal are not met, the article will be returned to the author for correction or completion or submission to related journals. If the initial conditions are met, The article is sent for the summoning of editorial members and the opinion and suggestion of expert referees.

  1. Matching and initial review by the specialized secretary:

At this stage, the specialized editor will check the form and subject of the article and if the article is in the domain of acceptable topics of the magazine and is approved in terms of form, and has an acceptable percentage in terms of similarity (similarity below 20%) Refers the article to the editor to enter the judging process and determine the physician.

  1. Submission to arbitration:

After selecting or appointing referees, the article will be sent anonymously to at least 2 independent referees.

  1. Preliminary review of the article by referees:

If the referee considers himself competent to judge the article, he will announce the acceptance of the article. As soon as one of the referees accepts the refereeing of the article, the status of the article changes to "under review". If the referee does not want to referee the submitted article for any reason, he will withdraw from the refereeing of the article and the article will be sent to another expert referee with the opinion of the editor.


  1. Detailed review of the article by referees:

After announcing the acceptance of the referee, the referees start to read and examine the article in detail and finally announce their opinion within a reasonable time in the form of one of the following four options: "acceptable", "unacceptable", "requires revision" minor" and "requires general revision".

  1. Revision of the article by the author:

If the article is identified as needing correction by the referees, it will be returned to the author for revision by the editor. At this stage, the author must take action to remove the defects and apply the changes desired by the referees within the deadline set by the editor. After the review, the article must be sent again by the author through the system for corrections and changes to be studied by the referees. and be reviewed. At this stage, the article may be finally approved by the referees or rejected by them. Judges may also request a review.

  1. Final remarks of the editor or editor:

If the author's corrections are fully approved by the referees, the article will be reviewed by the editorial board and the editor-in-chief for acceptance, and the considerations for the final review and editing of the article will be reflected to the responsible author. After receiving the final file, a certificate of initial acceptance of the article will be issued by the editor of the quarterly.

  1. The final acceptance of the article will be done by the responsible author after reviewing the editors and making the desired corrections.