Download the letter of commitment form
Download the author's conflict of interest form
Download the extended abstract format (only for authors who receive acceptance)
Guide for Authors
All researchers and authors are asked kindly to read this Guide carefully before submitting their manuscript and follow the criteria stipulated before uploading their article.
A. important points:
1. It is necessary to enter the Orchid ID (ORCID) for all the authors of the article. Registration link:
2. This journal reviews only authored articles in the field of criminal law and criminology.
3. Essays of graduate students can be reviewed if a supervisor or advisor participates in writing the article. The student can be the responsible author of the article. The authors of the article or the responsible author cannot be changed after the article is registered.
4. According to the commitment of not sending an article to different journals at the same time, if the issue is known, the received article will be removed at any stage. And the responsible author will be required to pay the costs incurred for reviewing the article.
5. All the received articles are checked by the specialized secretary in order to comply with the guidelines and general rules before being referred to the refereeing system. (If the similarity is more than 20%, the article will be removed from the review priority).
6. Correspondence will be handled only through the system and email of the journal and only through the email of the responsible author.
B. Aims and Scope:
The purpose of this journal is to improve the level of knowledge, transfer and exchange research findings, experiences and achievements, expand cooperation and scientific interaction between activists in the field of criminal law and criminology and exchange learnings and experiences and strengthen the atmosphere of dialogue and criticism and efforts to explain and provide solutions. Is.
This journal examines scientific and research articles that have been prepared on the subject of the journal and interdisciplinary subjects and according to the guidelines.
C. Rules for writing and submitting articles:
1.Author rules:
The full name and surname of the author(s) and other details of the authors should be entered in the system and in the file of the authors' names. (Persian and English).
The level of education, academic rank, educational department, name of the faculty and university or the place of service of the author(s) should be specified. (Persian and English).
Complete postal address with zip code and mobile phone number.
Due to the bi-quarterly nature of the magazine and the approval of the editorial board, a maximum of three articles (independent or joint) from each author can be reviewed at the same time.
Articles that are not related to the author's field of expertise will not be reviewed.
2. Article rules:
The article should include the title, Persian and English abstract, keywords, introduction, main text in the form of specific titles, conclusion and list of references.
The title of the article should be short and descriptive (in Persian and English).
The article should be a maximum of 20 A4 pages (do not exceed 7500 words). At least 15 article pages.
The abstract of the article should be at least 100 and at most 150 words. (in Psrsian and English). For accepted articles, it is necessary to prepare and send a comprehensive abstract of the article in Persian and English equivalent to the style sheet and a maximum of 1000 words.
Keywords should be at least 5 and at most 10 words. (in Persian and English).
The text of the article should be typed with B Nazanin font 12 and English texts with Times New Roman font 11.
Footer should be typed with B Nazanin font 10 and English texts Times New Roman font 9.
The line spacing should be 1 centimeter.
This journal follows the method of in-text citation (APA), the reference in the article is such that immediately after the name of the person, the year of publication of the work and its page number are inserted in parentheses. Example: (Rabiei, 2013: 25)
10. In case of multiple sources from one author in one year, they should be specified by adding (a) and (b) next to the year of publication. Such as: (Enayt, 1349a: 14), (Enayt, 1349b: 150).
11. The sources used in the text, at the end of the article, should be arranged and inserted in alphabetical order, the last name of the author and according to the following model:
For the book: author's last name, name, (year of publication), book title, translator's name, number of volumes, publication number, city of book publication: publisher's name.
- For the article: author's last name, author's name (year of publication), "article title in quotation marks", translator's name, journal name, period or journal number, number of the first and last pages of the article in the journal
For the thesis: author's last name, author's name (year of publication), "thesis title in quotation marks", degree and field of study, and name of the university and city.
- For collections of articles: surname of the author, name of the author (year of publication), "title of the article in quotation marks", name of the collection of articles, name of the compiler, name of the publisher. Number of the first and last page of the article.
- For the website: author's last name, author's name (date of the article), "title of the article in quotation marks", date received from the website, name and address of the website.
3. Registration rules and necessary files:
- Authors must upload the following files when submitting an article:
- The original file of the article without the authors' names.
- Authors profile file (full details including organizational affiliation and academic rank and specialized field)
The signed conflict of interest form and the responsible author's commitment letter, the link of which is included in the necessary files upload section.
The article should be saved and sent in Word software.
Articles must be submitted through the journal system at (all correspondence of the publication will be done through this method).