Offender Surveillance during the Imprisonment



Offender surveillance during the imprisonment is a fundamental issue, which has been studied extensively in practical criminology in developed countries. Pitfalls and desperation that the penal systems face with when they are unable to explain indicators, tools and symbols for an effective implementation of these tools to empower the system can be an important issue to be studied. Subsequently, the trial and error methods in countries like England and Wales have brought about some suggestions. This research has opted to introduce and share the experiences gained in this field by presenting the solutions like" Criminal-oriented", "Prison-oriented", and a third option that can be a mixture of both on the basis of the legal capacities in the Iran's penal systems. It has also tried to put forth a perfect model to monitor the offenders in the process of the imprisonment. CCTV, group therapy, social workers, and implementing the pseudo-family phenomenon in prisons are among these mechanisms whose effectiveness will be presented as the main finding of this research to be practiced during the offender imprisonment.
