Polygraph Technology; a Threat against Privacy



Privacy is one of the basic and fundamental rights of Human that today has been threatened seriously because of the appearance of new technologies. Using instruments and technologies such as polygraph for access to confidential information and cryptic angles of individuals thought and personality, be counted invasion to individual liberty, unlawful entering the privacy of individuals and in other words breach of their privacy.
Today, in many countries there are uses from polygraph as part of pre- employment test or a means for crime detection. In such tests, there are questions about religion, life and sexual desires, political ideas, racial issues that commonly don’t have any relation to employment or detection of related crime and be counted an immoral and inconsistent action with the individual's right to privacy.
Thus, there is a need to codifying universal and adequate laws in this field, more than ago. Hereof, this paper studies the role of polygraph technology in breaching personal security and privacy
