Rethinking Fraud as Compound Crime



Compound crime is a crime of which actus reus have been composed of varied action. Therefore, compound crime should have more than one physical conducts because the only component of actus reus which emerges as action is physical conduct while in Fraud, physical conduct has been composed by resorting to fraudulently means which is not varied action (though numerous) and stealing of property belonging to another is only result of crime not physical conduct. The condition of Fraud for being composed should not be considered. On the other hand, Fraud cannot be called Simple crime because in this case, we will state that it is the result of simple crime in which criminal title relates to the result while in Fraud, it relates to physical conduct in addition to result. In the contrary to simple crimes, a case or condition of Fraud doesn’t occur as result of physical conduct but it is an action independent of the committed physical conduct and has special nature and with regard to classification and definition of simple and compound crimes, we classified them into absolute simple crimes, result simple, absolute compound and result compound crimes. Fraud is regarded as result compound crime.
