Risk Management Approach and its Effects on Iran's Criminal Justice System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department Law, Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Qom

2 Law Department, Faculty Law, Farabi Pardis of Tehran University

3 Law Department, Humanities Faculty, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran


Criminality is a natural phenomenon in society and one of the approaches available to it is the crime risk management approach. In this approach by utilizing the gains of forensic justice and the use of criminal statistics, the risk levels of each of the crime categories are assessed and the high-risk offenders with the most severe responses and the low-risk offenders with the softest responses are encountered. There are clear examples of this approach in the approaches of the Iranian criminal justice system. Ranking and determining punishable sanctions, prohibiting the imposition of penal sanctions on certain crimes, and imposing a punitive punishment for failure to execute retribution are examples of the Iranian penal system's approach to crime risk management. In addition, criminal justice appointments, special criminal proceedings, and so on are the most important frameworks for implementing the criminal risk management approach of the Iranian criminal justice system. From these examples, it can be concluded that the criminal risk management approach is openly accepted by the Iranian criminal justice system


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