Guaranteeing the Implementation of Legal Entities with the Emphasis on Criminal Functions in the Legal Systems of Iran, England and the United States

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in criminal law and criminology at ShahidBeheshti University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The status of the guarantee of the performances of legal entities considering their credit and hypothetical existence is different from the natural persons committing crimes, so that most of the real persons’ punishment such as the physical one cannot be imposed on legal entities. The Islamic Penal Code laid down in 2013 opened a new chapter in the Iranian criminal law having approved of the criminal liability of legal entities and imposed penalties on these individuals. The present article, with an analytical-descriptive approach, examines and analyzes the guarantee of criminal performance in these three mentioned systems, and the analysis of present findings indicates that despite the credit and hypothetical existence of legal entities, punitive functions such as deterrence, correction. , Empowerment, etc. can apply to a legal entity. Studying and applying the penal systems of the United States and the United Kingdom can help us believe in the fact that Iran's criminal law does not provide adequate mechanisms for punishment and cannot cover the functions of punishment well.


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