Sexual Assault and Gender Conflict

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A in Criminal Law and Criminology, Uuniversity of Esfahan

2 Faculty Member, Farabi Campus - University of Tehran


Linguistic and cultural attitudes to social and religious approaches to the phenomenon of sexual assault causing this phenomenon as a real criminal with specific constituent elements is not in Iran's legal system. Criminal titles after the domain of blaming, with a separate title, enter into a legal area and with a special view, appear in the judicial process. The rape of this process is a far-reaching process and, at the very first step, it is blamed on the challenges that these challenges face in the legislative sphere. The lexical force of the Persian language is high in the sense of being part of the rape, the low level and the values supported by this phenomenon. The fundamental reason for this is gender conflict. Gender conflict in this paper is a general conception of social-conflict approaches. Due to various gender-based attitudes, the legal process of rape in Iran's legal system has not been established and has resulted in violent sexual behaviors and sexual orientation.


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