Setting Fine Criteria for Legal Entities in the Penal Systems of the United Kingdom, the United States and Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Criminal liability of the legal person in term of capacity to bear the penal consequences of the criminal behavior makes it possible to assume them as the subject of criminal law, including fines proportionate to the crimes' nature. Fine is justified when criminal law goals are met and realized. The criminal systems have adopted and attempted various strategies for this purpose. Following the practice of the French panel law, the Iranian lawmaker has adopted the strategy of making the fines 3 to 6 times or 2 to 4 times for legal persons, concerning the cyber-crimes and other crimes, respectively. The United States criminal law applies five stages to determine guilt score and risk degree; and specifies the related punishments for the legal persons. In the UK, a modern method has been used to improve the fine deterrence effect for the legal persons, specifically for the major crimes such as murder. The method emphasizes on reducing some percent of the criminals' real income, whose details would be discussed in this paper. The ultimate purpose of comparing the countries' legal systems is to specify the Iranian penal system's deficiencies concerning the topics of the discussion and providing solutions to overcome them.


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