The Principle of Separation of Prosecutor Apart from Investigating Judge

Document Type : Research Paper



This essay considers the principle of separation of prosecutor from investigating judge in criminal Iranian penal code 2013/1392, assignment of investigating official apart from prosecutor indicates accepting the principal. This refers to the independence of investigating official in his duties and non-interference of him in prosecution. However the purpose of separation is not absolute. Administering and necessary teaching and request completion of investigation is not contrary to the principle. Moreover in some exceptional cases, the principle can be excluded necessarily and immediately. Positive step of penal procedure is that investigating by prosecutor is subjected to shortage of investigating official. In addition to, the other favorable changes are explicit expression in cases such as impossibility to returning the case referred to the investigating judge, the need for referring in exceptional circumstances that the investigating judge starts the investigation directly. However some cases of violation of this principle can be found in law of Iran. For example, it can't be said the principle is being observed when unchaste behavior is raised directly in the court.


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