An Analysis of Punitive Control against Vandalism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Department of Law, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad university, Qaemshahr, Iran.

3 Professor‌, Department of Law, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran


In fact, "vandalism" or destruction of public property is a global disease of sabotage in the present century and is a deliberate and conscious behavior that is more focused on public and inanimate objects and is an indirect form of physical and residential aggression to reduce feelings. Failure or a way to achieve one's aspirations, which in turn violates public comfort. Vandalism is behavior itself, not the result of behavior; Vandal without material purpose only expresses his anger by damaging public property. And imposes heavy costs on the community, taxpayers, urban management, and other trustees for repairing or replacing damaged, utensils, tools, and belongings. In fact, with such deviant and destructive behavior, they harm not only the society but also themselves, and the purpose of this study is to answer the question of whether the phenomenon of vandalism can be controlled with criminal means? The library method has been used in terms of descriptive meta-analysis. Thus, the methods that overshadow the causes, factors and effects of vandalism and thus fight it fundamentally are a point that has been ignored in criminal legislation. And the findings show that the most important motivation of vandalists is curiosity, ostentation and revenge against society, which family disorder and social failure and economic inequality have an indirect effect on vandalism behavior. Overall, it is concluded that criminal control is not a good way to deal with it. Rather, in the process of answering, it becomes part of the problem. Therefore, through situational and social prevention; Expanding the legal powers of the police in the role of mediator, establishing non-governmental organizations, especially the formation of a special coordination council with the participation of various organizations, including; Education, governorate, municipality, welfare, law enforcement and radio and television in order to provide free cultural, social and economic education on public property and parenting education to families and identifying children and students with behavioral disorders and even the importance of public property in Textbooks can be a good way to combat vandalism.
Destructivism or vandalism is a sick phenomenon that exists in the urban environments of most societies. In sociological texts, vandalism is used in the sense of having a kind of morbid spirit. Since this phenomenon has various dimensions and roots in sociology, social, economic, political, psychological and environmental pathology, treatment and control must take into account the multidimensional and all relevant factors. Therefore, it is necessary to study and recognize factors such as psychology and sociology and their effects on a vandal, and various aspects of this, which are rooted in abnormalities, delinquent subcultures and other influential factors. Therefore, vandalism is one of the abnormalities that is the result of the relationship between the individual and society. Vandalism or destructiveness gradually spread and included any destructive, reckless, uncultured and cruel behavior. Vandalism is a global disease of sabotage in the present century and modern era and is called a global phenomenon. Vandalism is very similar to behaviors such as destruction, arson, insurrection, riot and terrorism, but the nature of vandalism is such that it occurs in certain places and times, and therefore the possibility of achieving the perpetrator is very low and it can be said that vandals have personality. They are special and, above all, with their mobs, they overshadow the public welfare, and by resorting to corrective methods, some of the characteristics of the vandals can be shifted from anti-social to social. With a brief and deep look, but deep and meticulous around us every day we can see hundreds of types of behavior, all of which indicate the mismatch and inconsistency of human behavior in their relationship with the environment, which is one of the abnormal social behaviors that although the formation of societies. It is a human being, but today it has become more and more prominent, it is vandalism. Behavior that has progressed in parallel with social progress has changed its appearance and has the ability to adapt to all available places. Therefore, vandalism is called the same anti-social behavior that is rooted in abnormality. But its rise and rise in societies makes vandalism worthy of control. Historically, it should be noted that attention to property and its importance and the destruction or intentional loss of property in Iran dates back to the period of Hammurabi, which was written by order of Hammurabi to pierce the wall, which is a vandalism is, severe punishment was predicted. Recently, a general position on social problems has become common among sociologists, which has been expressed in sociological analyzes and similar ideas and methods about different types of social problems, and everyone has at least one general concept of social problems in mind. For example, the consequences of the phenomenon of vandalism can be called a social problem and a detrimental effect on property, economy, culture and society.
2. Methodology
The method of work in this research is library and in terms of descriptive-meta-analytical method using a collection of published books, Persian and foreign scientific articles, dissertations, scientific journals and is a tool for collecting information and data, documents and libraries. Therefore, the purpose of meta-analysis is that several studies have been conducted in the field of vandalism, and these extensive and scattered studies, each of which has addressed the issue with a specific approach. But the main problem with most of these studies is the lack of mastery of all aspects of vandalism, and the scattered results of studies in this area are not specifically in the realm of criminal law. The researcher has tried to provide positive analysis and inference of concepts that require reliance on the technique of analysis. The criminal dimension of the issue has been scrutinized in order to be able to reach appropriate solutions of non-criminal social controls to deal with vandalism in order to help the integration of knowledge in this field.
3. Results and discussion
Findings show that the growing rebellion of human beings, especially the young generation, against social impositions and external repressive forces, not only shows their feelings of helplessness and helplessness, but also their anger and aggression due to their feelings of helplessness and helplessness. Hence, vandalism is an emerging and modern disease of the new society and a hostile reaction and a vindictive reaction to some forms of pressures, impositions, adversities, deprivations and external and social injustices. Thus, the most important motivation of vandalists is curiosity, ostentation and revenge against society, which family disorder and social failure and economic inequality have an indirect effect on vandalism behavior.
4. Conclusion
In general, it is concluded that in explaining the issue of criminal control of vandalism, first of all, the concept of punishment comes to mind. Punishment is a punishment that is imposed by the government from the beginning of the first brick of any society to preserve its integrity. But it must also be borne in mind that the whole social reaction is not limited to punishment. Today, a large group of social and preventive measures in the form of social reaction is perverted, and guaranteeing criminal executions for criminal control of vandalism is not the only way to protect the norms and official discourse. At present, criminal practices are no longer the only ones in the realm of criminal policy, but there are other forms of non-criminal social control, such as guaranteeing administrative and non-repressive practices, such as prevention, compensation, and reparation. Finally, criminal control is not a good way to deal with it. Rather, in the process of answering, it becomes part of the problem. Therefore, through situational and social prevention; Expanding the legal powers of the police in the role of mediator, establishing non-governmental organizations, especially the formation of a special coordination council with the participation of various organizations, including; Education, governorate, municipality, welfare, law enforcement and radio and television in order to provide free cultural, social and economic education on public property and parenting education to families and identifying children and students with behavioral disorders and even the importance of public property in Textbooks can be a good way to combat vandalism.
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