Criminalization of Competition Law, Dimensions and approaches of legal Systems

Document Type : Research Paper


Private law Department- Hazrat- Masumeh University- Qom- Iran


Part of the enforcement of competition law is achieved through the use of criminal law and the criminalization of anti-competitive behavior. In this method, due to the importance of maintaining commercial competition in the market, relying on criminal law Mechanisms as the most effective and efficient methods of guaranteeing legal rules is used. The purpose of this article is to use a comparative study to explain the effective components in realizing the effectiveness of criminal law, enforcement guarantees and to review and evaluate the position of Iranian law. This article tries to explain the necessity of criminal intervention in competition law, how to determine the proportionality between criminal enforcement guarantees and anti-competitive behaviors. Based on some legal capacities in Iran, it seems necessary to accept the concept of optimal enforcement sanctions and amend the existing law and procedures accordingly. This involves recognizing the impact of rights on the economic, social, and normative components.


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