Mechanisms for Protection of Victims Against Organized Crime of Legal Entities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Student, Department of law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran, Bandar Abbas

2 Assistant Professor, Department of law, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityIran, Bandar Abbas

3 Assistant Professor, Department of law, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz


The combination of the term organized crime with the concept of criminal offenses is one of the sophistications of today's design of strategies for protecting the victims. Committing various organized crimes such as trafficking in human beings, import of psychotropic drugs, organ trafficking, import of cars and stolen goods to other countries and many crimes against health, with the name of legal entities, and up-to-date behavior along with the significant complexity of the crime. Their actions have led to a growing number of instances of violations of the rights of victims and numerous damages to various communities. In Iranian law, the scatter and uncertainty, coupled with the ambiguity of the relevant regulations, have created the basis for a maximum violation of the principle of protection for victims. Therefore, this paper tries that the identification of principles and requirements in the above mentioned forensic and legal aspects can provide a significant defense against the power arising from the organization of legal entities in various crimes. The research method is descriptive-analytical


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