Risk-Based Approach to Criminal Policy Against Money Laundering

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate prof. of Criminal Law and Criminology, Shahid Beheshti University.

2 PhD Candidate, Shahid Beheshti, University


Combating money laundering, as one of the transnational crimes, requires action at the international level. This is on the agenda of the international community through the approval of some conventions and documents by adopting reactive strategies against money laundering. International money laundering policies in line with risk management guidelines seek to adopt control strategies. In the meantime, what is important is the financial information that has led financial information units to play a very important role in managing money laundering risk. In this regard, by creating a transnational group, called the Egmont Group, efforts have been made to increase the efficiency of financial information units. This is due to the unique role of the structure in risk assessment and a demarcation of financial-economic crime and the adoption of appropriate policies to prevent these crimes in anti-money laundering programs. Thus, with a transnational look, the present study examines the risk-taking approach of criminal policy against money laundering.


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