‏ ‏Police Restorative Plans ‎‏ ‏‎(With a Look at Criminal Procedure Tradition Code 1392)‎

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Bojnord University

2 Phd. Candidate at Amin Police University

3 Ph.d Candidate at University of Shiraz


Traditional and classic schools of criminal justice with mere attention to offence and offender and the ‎development of retributive and rehabilitative justice, have neglected the offended person as the third element of ‎criminal phenomenon which resulted in unpleasant consequences. In order to reduce and remove the consequences, an ‎offended-oriented approach was gradually introduced. This approach, under the auspices of the concept and ‎experience of diversion, aiming at expanding non-criminal justice, suggested various patterns such as restorative ‎justice. In this pattern, focusing on compensation of the offended person, it tried through the participation of all ‎involved in the criminal event and through diversion and in a non-judicial and non -official atmosphere, to settle ‎the criminal phenomenon and to maintain conciliation. Undoubtedly police as one of the most important organs accountable to the criminal phenomenon and as the ‎first organ referred to by the offended persons after the crime commitment has a main role in implementing ‎restorative plans.‎ In this paper while inspecting the role of police in implementing restorative plans and explaining what is necessary ‎to perform this role appropriately, it tried to analyze the initiatives of criminal procedure law 1392.


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