Confluence of the Criminological Thoughts of "Rehabilitation" and "Incapacitation" in the Islamic Penal Code 1392

Document Type : Research Paper



"Criminology of Criminal law", as one of most exciting fields of criminal sciences, a period of time is that considered by some criminologists. After this criminologists understand the effect of gains of criminology in criminal law, they try to understand the effectiveness of it and with appropriate pathology express proposals for amendments. In this regard, one of the most important topics discussed is examined to find how a reflection of thoughts of "rehabilitation" and "incapacitation" at the Islamic Penal Code 92. Because of seems "rehabilitation" is a policy commensurate with the character of "occasional offenders", while "incapacitation" is the perfect tool to remove or keep the "chronic offenders" of the community. In the meantime, Forecast of new judicial individualizing institutions such as "delay of conviction issue", "legal exemption from punishment" and "repentance" for occasional offenders, and disabling measures such as depriving Repeated offenders from many of these agencies has become the Islamic Penal Code 92 to good place to confluence of the thoughts of "Rehabilitation" and "Incapacitation", thought that altogether are considered as tools of realization of "Principle of individualizing punishment".


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