Reflections of Main Doctrines Regarding the Right to Punish in Criminal Policy Models

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology, faculty of literature and humanities,, University of Guilan,, Rasht, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Jurisprodence and Criminal Law ,, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences,, University of Guilan, , Rasht,, Iran.


The definition and ambit of criminal policy has been evolved since its birth and it is today regarded as knowledge and art of recognition and implementing several measures and backward or foreward responses invented to tackling criminal phenomenon, defending society and citizens and safeguarding individual rights and liberties by state and/or community. By different sorting out of its dual elements -criminal phenomenon and body of society-, variable relations and state-based or community-based models evolve. State-based models could belong to authoritarian or totalitarian states as well as to liberal states. On the other hand, the longlasting and fundamental problematic of criminal jurisprudence as to source of the right to punish has been enfronted with within two major categories of doctrines -psitivist doctrines and natural law doctrines. This research, using descriptive-analytical method, has been to a find the interrelation of these doctrines and the so-called models and has found out that state-based models, authoritarian and totalitarina models are mostly compatible with natural law doctrines, while liberal state models are more conformed with positivist doctrines.


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